
We are still meeting physically at Hope Hamilton School on Sundays at 10:30am



We have made Sunday worship as safe as possible within the building, but please only come if you feel safe to do so. You must not attend if you have Covid-19 symptoms or are self-isolating. You can find our Risk Assessment here.


  To get an idea of what our services looked like before the Covid-19 pandemic, have a read of this:

Our services are quite informal but follow a pattern. We begin with singing a few songs with all the words projected onto a screen.

We have three children’s groups called Puddles (for under 5’s), Splash (for 5-9’s) and Surfers (for 10-14’s). After the songs the children will leave for their respective groups. If you bring children with you and they would like to join a group, just follow the crowd. Otherwise they may stay in the hall and we can provide some toys for them.

Once the children are settled in their groups we have our Bible reading and some teaching. The teaching slot will sometimes include questions for us all to think about and maybe discuss with our neighbours. We understand this could feel a bit strange on a first visit but nobody will mind if you just want to listen.

After the teaching someone will lead us in prayer or on the 2nd Sunday of each month we will share Holy Communion. All are welcome to come forward and receive bread and wine. We offer non-alcoholic wine and gluten-free bread if that is your preference. If children are in the habit of receiving communion we welcome them too, otherwise bring them with you and we will pray a blessing for them.

We don’t take a collection during the service and visitors are not expected to contribute to this church. However, there is a collection box near the main door should anyone wish to make an offering.

Our service ends with a final song and then all are invited to stay for refreshments in the Community Room.

We have baby changing facilities if required.